In this session, we explored leading careers in fiber optics, wireless communication, and project management, highlighting U.S. Department of Labor-endorsed training initiatives by the Wireless Infrastructure (WIA) that are capturing attention from employers and educators across the country.
This comprehensive webinar offers invaluable guidance for educational institutions, workforce agencies, and employers keen on molding and hiring a top-tier broadband workforce. Dive back into the replay to deepen your understanding of pivotal roles, connect with a vast network of hiring broadband employers, and discover how your organization can effectively prepare individuals for this rapidly growing industry.
Amelia De Jesus is the Vice President of Workforce Solutions at the Wireless Infrastructure Association, leading the development of WIA’s Workforce Solutions as the association focuses on developing America’s highly skilled, diverse broadband workforce through innovative sector partnerships.
Amelia has over two decades of experience in the telecommunications industry. Prior to joining WIA, she worked at Crown Castle, where she served as the national vice president. She has diverse industry experience, having worked for operators, service, and infrastructure providers. A leader in the industry, she also served as president of the WIA-affiliated Women’s Wireless Leadership Forum from 2017-2019, and she continues to be passionate about coaching and advocacy for youth and women.
This project has been funded, either wholly or in part, with Federal funds from the U.S. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration under Contract Number 1605C2-20-C-0015. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement of the same by the U.S. Government.
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